Caring For Life

White Orchid Hospice’s award winning team of professionals provides specialized palliative and end of life comfort care to patients and families in need throughout the Greater Houston and Corpus Christi Metropolitan Areas.
How can we help you today?
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What is hospice and end-of-life care
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Learning more about palliative care options
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The costs associated with hospice care
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We value the comfort and peace of each patient in our care
We address physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, taking care of all aspects of end-of-life journey. Families can then focus on what truly matters.
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Caring with Acclaimed Dedication
Our Hospice was Awarded the 2022 Care Management Company of the Year
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In 2019, our hospice was honored with the prestigious Best Sugar Land Hospice Award.
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Our hospice boasts a 5-star rating for its strong commitment to supporting our country's heroes.
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Full Service Hospice Care
Providing Personalized, Intentional Care Curated to Every Patient and Family’s Distinctive Set of Needs
Wide Spectrum
of Therapy
Physical therapy, respiratory therapy, occupational therapy, and music therapy
Physical Comfort
Pain treatment is given so patients can be emotionally and spiritually present.
Emotional and Spiritual Care
Get the emotional and spiritual support you need to get through this difficult time.
In-Home Care
We'll make arrangements to come to serve patients in the comfort of their own home.
Expert Physician Advice + Support
Our aim is to reduce suffering, and your dedicated physician will offer informed suggestions.
Medical Staff On-Call
Fully licensed staff is available 24/7
Free consultation
Sharing the thoughts of those who have walked this path with us.
Their words, born from personal experiences, reflect the solace and understanding we offer to individuals navigating challenging times.